In 21 Tagen

Guided tour in English through the special exhibition

Auf einen Blick

The special exhibition “As a foreigner, he is suspected of being an escapee.” Forced labor and Nazi justice in Potsdam (1940-1945) focuses on the crime of forced labor committed by Germans in Brandenburg and throughout Europe under National Socialism. It uses the life stories of forced laborers imprisoned in Lindenstraße to demonstrate the devastating consequences of racist ideology and politics and thus contributes to raising public awareness of those affected by Nazi forced labor.

With this guided tour in English you will geht some insights into the special exhibition.
Maximum 20 participants
Please register at info[at]
Further guided tours in English on request.

Weitere Informationen:

Termine im Überblick

Auf der Karte

Stiftung Gedenkstätte Lindenstraße
Lindenstraße 54
14467 Potsdam

Tel.: +49 (0)331-97189000

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